This is a bookmarklet which lets you to make permanent link of a unique tweet.
Useful when you want to tell a tweet to another, or to make bookmark.
▼Link of Bookmarklet
Link of Bookmarklet
Please add this link above to your browser's Favorite.
Or, create new bookmark of the URL as follows.
▽URL start▽
javascript:var l=String(location.href);location.href=l.replace(/.+?status_id\=([\d]+?)\&in_reply_to\=(.+?)$/i,'http\:\/\/\/$2\/status\/$1');
△URL end△
How to Use
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(1)Right Click Reply-link of a particular tweet, and open link in a new window/tab
(2)Click the bookmarklet from Favorite of your web browser.
(3)New page will be opend which url is permanent.